Explore your Terraform Git Repositories

We are happy to announce that we have reinforced our Terraform Knowledge Hub solution, giving you full visibility into your Terraform Git repository tree.

Since its initial release, we have upgraded our Terraform Explorer Dashboard with many awesome capabilities, such as the Terraform Modules Explorer and the Terraform Providers Explorer.

We often encounter customers who manage large-scale Terraform codebases across multiple Git repositories and various version control systems (GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps). These customers struggle to track where their Terraform code resides and determine which code is managed with GitOps methodologies or has drift detection mechanisms in place.

Today, we have added a new view to our Terraform Explorer Dashboard called ‘Code Tree.’
Code Tree scans your Git repos in your version Control System and provides a birds-eye view of:

  • Where ControlMonkey detected Terraform/Terragrunt/OpenTofu Code:

  • Which sub-directories of code are managed by ControlMonkey Stacks and benefits from Terraform CI/CD, Security Policies, Drift Detection & Remediation and more:

  • Which sub-directories are currently not managed by ControlMonkey (aka potential stacks) but can be with a 1-Click:

With Code Tree, ControlMonkey users gain a 30,000-foot view of their entire code-base and understand exactly which parts of their environment are not yet managed by ControlMonkey.

Managing Terraform stacks with ControlMonkey provides the advanced layer of Terraform Automation:

  1. Infrastructure CI/CD with Control Policies to enforce security and compliance standards
  2. Drift Detection and remediation capabilities to quickly resolve any code discrepancies.

If you have a large-scale Terraform Codebase and you find yourself struggle to manage it efficiently we would love to chat!

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AWS Governance & DevOps Productivity with Terraform

Learn how how to shift-left cloud governance with Terraform in this webinar brought to you by AWS and ControlMonkey.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Terraform Best Practices with ControlMonkey Webinar

Check out our latest webinar with DoIT International.

In this webinar we showcase together with DoIT how ControlMonkey is helping DevOps teams to make the transition from ClickOps to GitOps easily with Terraform.

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