
IaC Posture cross AWS Accounts in a Single Holistic View
View the status of all your AWS accounts from a single dashboard view. Gain Visibility into IaC coverage, Terraform drifts, console operations, and more.
Terraform Modules Explorer
Learn how ControlMonkey provides full visibility into Terraform Modules so users can understand where and how they're being used, and whether or not they're outdated.
Allowed AWS Console Operations
This capability enables our users to whitelist certain AWS Console Operations that are permitted, and reduce the amount of ClickOps alerts.
Drift auto-sync
Learn how ControlMonkey automatically reconciles the AWS resource configuration to align it to the Terraform Code in case of a Resource Drift.
Console Operations Notifications
Get real-time notifications on any ClickOps done in the AWS console and prevent misconfigurations and drifts in production.
Infrastructure Cost Breakdown
Easily visualize the estimated monthly cost of any stacks or namespaces in your cloud account and validate if they're within budget.
Terraform Drift Source
Learn how ControlMonkey detects Terraform Drifts and also provides the AWS user responsible for it. Lower resolution time and build faster.
Enhanced Resource Explorer
Gain full visibility into all of your Cloud resources and whether or not they are managed by Terraform.
7 Ways to Use Terraform Data Sources for a Better Infrastructure as Code
ControlMonkey takes data sources used to the next level by automatically performing drift detection, which also considers input data sources.


Compliant AWS environments in minutes, with Self-service Infrastructure
Learn how to enable other teams such as Dev and QA to launch pre-defined compliant AWS environments in minutes, by using Terraform.

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AWS Governance & DevOps Productivity with Terraform

Learn how how to shift-left cloud governance with Terraform in this webinar brought to you by AWS and ControlMonkey.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Terraform Best Practices with ControlMonkey Webinar

Check out our latest webinar with DoIT International.

In this webinar we showcase together with DoIT how ControlMonkey is helping DevOps teams to make the transition from ClickOps to GitOps easily with Terraform.

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